Customer and friend share issue!

Investor informasjon - Emisjon

Vi går nå fra .NO til .COM

Cashmere House is expanding, and we want you, our loyal customers, our family and our friends, to join us on this exciting journey with an investment opportunity to become part of our team.

Cashmere House has recently purchased the globally known domaine Cashmere - this took us 7 years of persistence, so going forward, we are changing our domain from .no to .com as we move forward to become an international brand.

As you know, the global cashmere-business is highly competitive, and our vision is that will offer a competitive, efficient, sustainable and preferred platform for trade with Cashmere. Cashmere will offer a direct trade with selected cashmere producers, and we aim to become the worlds leading dedicated cashmere sales platform within the next 5 years.

The worlds haute-couture- and luxury-clothes-markets, are showing increased growth in cashmere, and cashmere now accounts for around 7% of the global luxury-clothes markets, and with ethical and sustatinable cashmere becoming more sought after, we are in a very strong position to become a major player in this sector as we grow our business. 

Are you joining our global expansion? 

 To ensure high quality, we need you onboard. Your knowledge of our products and services will ensure consistancy and quality. This is why we prioritise you as a co-owner before opening up to professional investors.

Reasons to invest

1. Co-ownership in a brand and online cashmere-business, with a potency for growth.

2. Dividend will be considered payed from 2027.

3. At the next share-expansion, our shareholders will be offered to re-purchase stock, to the previous held level.  

Our goal is to sell 100- 200 000 garments globally within 8 years. This is modest and feasible, due to warehouses in EU, USA and ASIA. Further information will be provided.

The total financial expansion of shares at this stage is 7-10 % of the todays value. We are seeking new capital of 5 million NOK, approximately 450 000 Euro. Minimum investment is 30 000 NOK


Risk associated with this share-investment. As always there is a considerable risks associated with investments. 90% of all First Time Startups fail. Amongst Second Time Startups, the general success rate is 50%. If Cashmere House succeeds, the return on investment, might be as hig as 10X invested capital.

In this new expansion, the co-owners might be current owners, Cashmere producers, small investors and other international professional investors. The Norwegian cashmere-market is narrow and expanding, at a total of approximately 150 million NOK. Norwegian customers prefer quantity, and generally lack a willingness to pay for high quality. Cashmere House will keep the Brand Store in Norway, which will focus on brand-building.  


Our team We are currently a team of five, holding a total of over 100 years experience from the global cashmere industry, including manufacturing, technical and web-retail. We are three Norwegians, one Scotsman (with 40 years global sales, design and production experience), and one Mongolian with more than 30 years experience in production and international sales. 

I,Morten Minde, the founder and owner of Cashmere House Norway, has acquired 17 years experience,- alongside my Mongolian partner. Cashmere House is already collaborating with some of the foremost Mongolian cashmere producers and designers, with connections to Italy, France, UK and of course Mongolia and Norway. 

We are hoping to continue this joint efforts also into the future.  

Ta kontakt hvis du kunne tenke deg å høre mer!

Vi planlegger også teams møter med interessenter i april. Der vil det besvares på spørsmål. Samtalene her vil gå på både norsk og engelsk.

Dato for emisjon vil bli satt senere, men er iberegnet i førsten eller medio mai.

Tusen takk for at du er interesert i å være med på veien videre.

Morten Minde 
Daglig leder og gründer
Tlf: (+47) 92887830

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